Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Our Commitment

H&R Block Canada Advantage Card Program Manager (“Program Manager”) is committed to protecting your privacy and confidential information while maintaining  strong practices in the handling of all Personal Information.  

This Privacy Policy sets out how the Program Manager uses and protects all  information that you provide to us (“your information”) in accordance with the applicable privacy legislation,  Personal Information Protection and Electronics Document Act (PIPEDA).  By visiting the H&R Block Canada Advantage Card Cardholder website and app, and providing your Personal  Information, you consent to the Program Manager collecting, storing, using and disclosing your Personal Information  in accordance with the terms of this Policy. This Policy applies to the Personal Information of  H&R Block Canada Advantage Card cardholders. 

This Privacy Policy may be updated periodically to reflect changes to our Personal Information practices.  We strongly encourage you to refer to this Privacy Policy often for the latest information about our  Personal Information practices. 

What is Personal Information? 

“Personal Information” means “information about an identifiable individual”. Personal Information includes any factual or subjective information, recorded or not, about an identifiable individual.

This Policy applies to the personal information of the Advantage Card cardholders. Personal Information does not include information that is anonymous, aggregated, or is no longer identifiable to a specific person. The following types of information about individuals are not considered Personal Information:
  1. Public telephone directory information, where the subscriber can refuse to be listed;
  2. Professional and business directories available to the public;
  3. Certain public registries and court records;
  4. Certain other publicly available printed and electronic publications.

Data Collected

Program Manager receives information from H&R Block Canada in order to provide customers with services related to the Advantage Card. Personal Information is provided by customers so they can benefit from the Advantage Card program.

H&R Block Canada collects the personal information from individual’s directly and then they pass this information to the Program Manager to facilitate the services related to the Advantage Card. In addition, information may be obtained from other sources, including from public and government records, credit reporting agencies, service providers, agents with whom have arrangements or in accordance with their respective terms and conditions and/or privacy policies, or any other source, with your consent or as permitted or required by law. This information may be obtained by telephone, in writing or electronically.

Information we may collect includes the following, but is not limited to:
  1. Name, date of birth, occupation, phone number, email address and other contact particulars for client contacts, such as driver’s license, passport, etc; 
  2. Information relating to ongoing transactions with Advantage Card, including payment history, inquiries or complaints and similar information; and
  3. Other information with your consent (written or implied) or as permitted or required by law.

Why do we collect this data? 

All the data collected by us is required in order for the Program Manager to provide you with a trusted service. We may collect data for internal record keeping, to use as feedback to improve our products and services delivered to you. The Program Manager and its service providers will not sell or share your Personal Information to third parties for promotional purposes.

We may ask you for your Personal Information for the following reasons:
  1. To establish business relationship with the customer;
  2. To process their transactions ;
  3. To verify your identity and protect against fraud;
  4. To set up and manage products and services you have requested,
  5. To troubleshoot problems with the Service;
  6. To collect survey information that will be used to monitor or improve the use of our Service;
  7. and overall customer satisfaction;
  8. To comply with legal, regulatory and contractual requirements: such as those relating to
    1. PCMLTFA (terrorist financing, and anti-money laundering requirements );
    2. PIPEDA;
    3. Other regulatory and issuing bank requirements.
We retain your personal information for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected, as outlined in this Privacy Policy, or as required to comply with legal, regulatory, or contractual obligations.

Consent and Security 

We will seek consent before collecting any Personal Information from you. Generally, you will be asked to provide written or electronic consent, however in some circumstances we may accept verbal consent or determine that consent is implied through your conduct. Express consent may be obtained verbally, electronically or in writing. Implied consent may be obtained through your use of a product, or when you approach us to obtain information, inquire about or apply for products or services from us.

Once we have obtained your consent, we are committed to ensuring that your information is secure. In order to prevent unauthorized access or disclosure, we have implemented suitable physical, electronic and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect online. During the receipt of your Personal Information by the H&R Block Canada and Program Manager to its service providers, we will apply privacy safeguards and will only conduct business with companies who have committed to safeguarding Personal Information at a similar standard applied by the H&R Block Canada and Program Manager. Authorized employees and agents will have access to your personal information in order to perform their functions. We audit our procedures and security measures regularly to help ensure that they are being properly administered and that they remain effective and appropriate to the sensitivity of the information.

Subject to legal, regulatory and contractual requirements, you may refuse to consent to our collection, use or disclosure of information about you at any time by giving us 30 days notice. Depending on the circumstances, however, withdrawal of your consent may prevent us from providing you or continuing to provide you with some services or information that may be of value to you.

Using Personal Information

H&R Block Canada and the Program Manager for the Advantage Card program may use your personal information for the below purposes:
  1. Identity Verification and Authentication: Confirm your identity and to authenticate you when you contact us or we contact you.
  2. Eligibility Evaluation for Products and Services: Assess your eligibility for our products and services.
  3. Application and Transaction Processing: Review and process your application, account, transactions, and reports.
  4. Account Management: create and administer your accounts and services with us.
  5. Provision of Requested Products and Services: Deliver the products and services you request.
  6. Communication: Engage in communications with you.
  7. Risk Management and Relationship Support: Assist in managing risks, operations and maintaining our relationship with you.
  8. Fraud Prevention: Prevent, detect, and investigate fraudulent or criminal activities.
  9. Outstanding fees or payments: Collect amounts owing to us.
  10. Compliance with Legal and Regulatory Obligations: Adhere to legal, regulatory, governmental, and contractual requirements.

Use of your email address. 

Consent-Based Messages: With your permission, we may occasionally send you emails. These could be for feedback requests, marketing offers tailored to your interests, or updates on our products and services. With each email you will have the opportunity to opt out of receiving future commercial electronic messages at that email address.

Customer Account Information: If you're a customer, we may use your email to keep you informed about your Advantage Card account details, relevant program updates.

Email Engagement Tracking: To make our emails more relevant and effective, we might track the activity of an email. This includes whether you open the email, click on links, or view graphics. This helps us tailor future communications and ensure we’re delivering information you find valuable.

Other Uses: Your personal information, including your email, might be used for additional purposes where you’ve given consent, or as required by law. Should there ever be a need to use your information for a new purpose, we will ask for your consent before we proceed.

Sharing Personal Information

The Program Manager may share your Personal Information only for everyday business purposes. The below lists the circumstances in which we may share the customer’s Personal Information:
  1. The Program Manager may share your information for everyday business purposes, such as verifying your identity, processing your transactions, maintaining your account(s), providing services, etc.
  2. The Program Manager may use third party service providers to provide certain services and we may share your Personal Information with such service providers. We require any company with which we may share your Personal Information to protect that data in a manner consistent with this policy and to limit the use of suh Personal Information to the performance of services.
  3. The Program Manager may disclose your Personal Information under special circumstances, such as to comply with court orders and legal investigations requiring us to do so and to satisfy audit, insurance, self-regulatory and regulatory requirements applicable to the Program Manager.
  4. The Program Manager does not sell or otherwise provide information to the third-party companies for the marketing and promotional purposes of their own products and services.

We do not disclose your personal information to third parties except: as described in this Privacy Policy, with your consent, or as permitted or required by law. In some cases, our Service Providers that we work with to facilitate the Advantage Card program may be located outside Quebec or Canada. Accordingly, personal information provided to these companies for storage or processing may be located outside Quebec or Canada, and may therefore, in addition to Canadian and Quebec-specific laws, also be subject to the laws of those countries.

If we collect personal information from individuals in Quebec, we will make the necessary declarations to the Commission d’accès à l’information (CAI), which includes filing a declaration of our privacy practices when required by the regulations. Furthermore, we will notify the CAI in the event of any significant privacy breach affecting the personal information of Quebec residents.

Privacy Principles

To fulfill our commitment to you, we observe the following 10 principles when dealing with your Personal Information.

      1. We are Accountable to You 

The Program Manager is responsible for all Personal Information in its possession or custody, including any Personal Information disclosed to third parties for processing or other administrative functions. We have a Chief Privacy Officer, who oversees the implementation of our privacy program. To contact the Program Manager Compliance & Privacy Officer please refer to the 'Contact’ section below.

In addition, our employees are committed to ensuring the privacy and protection of your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy and applicable laws. Employees are responsible for collecting, using, and disclosing personal information only for the purposes communicated to you and for which consent has been obtained. The employees are required to follow strict security protocols to protect your data from unauthorized access, misuse, or breaches. Employees are also required to report any privacy incidents immediately to ensure timely action. To maintain the highest privacy standards, our team participates in ongoing training and awareness programs. Furthermore, employees assist in responding to your requests regarding the access, correction, or deletion of personal information in a prompt and respectful manner. By adhering to these responsibilities, our employees help safeguard your privacy across all of our services and interactions.

      2. We will Identify the Purpose for Collecting your Personal Information

H&R Block Canada and the Program Manager will identify and document the purposes for which we collect your Personal Information.

      3. We will Obtain Valid Consent to Manage Personal Information

The Program Manager will make a reasonable effort to make sure you understand how your Personal Information will be used and will obtain your consent before or at the time we collect or use the Personal Information. Your consent can be express, implied, or given through an authorized representative:
  1. The Program Manager will collect your express consent (verbal, written or electronic) when the Personal Information is sensitive or its collection, use or disclosure is outside of the reasonable expectations of you providing it, or that creates a meaningful risk of significant harm that is not otherwise mitigated.
  2. The Program Manager may rely on implied consent in the following scenarios:
    1. a customer relationship already exists; 
    2. express consent has previously been given for the same or similar use of the Personal Information; and
    3. where the intended use of the information is reasonably obvious from the context in which it is obtained and you provide the information voluntarily.
Subject to legal, regulatory and contractual requirements, you may withdraw your consent to our collection, use or disclosure of your Personal Information. However, depending on the circumstances, the withdrawal of your consent may prevent us from providing you or continuing to provide you with some services or information that may be of value to you. In addition, you should be aware that we may collect, use or share your Personal Information without your knowledge or consent in exceptional circumstances where such collection, use or disclosure is permitted or required by law. For example, we may collect, use or share your Personal Information to investigate a breach of an agreement or law, in response to a demand, search warrant or court order we believe to be valid, to realize security pledged, or to investigate and deter fraud.

      4. We will Limit the Collection of Your Personal Information

The Program Manager limits the amount and type of Personal Information we collect to what is necessary for the purposes we have identified to you. We will only collect Personal Information using practices that are fair and lawful, and as described in this Policy.

      5. We will Limit the Use, Disclosure and Retention of Your Personal Information

The Program Manager will use or disclose Personal Information only for the purposes it was collected, unless you give consent to use or disclose it for another reason, or it is permitted or required by law. Under certain exceptional circumstances, The Program Manager has a legal duty or right to share your Personal Information without your consent to protect The Program Manager’s and/or the public interest. The Program Manager will only keep your Personal Information as long as necessary for the purposes identified at the time of collection.

      6. We will Keep Your Personal Information Accurate

The Program Manager will make a reasonable effort to keep your Personal Information up to date, accurate and relevant for its intended use. However, we also rely on you to tell us when your information changes as soon as possible. You may, in writing, request access to your Personal Information to verify the accuracy and completeness and request that it be amended as appropriate. To access your Personal Information, please contact the Compliance Department as directed in the 'Contact section below. Keeping customers’ information accurate and up-to-date allows us to continue to offer high quality services.

      7. We will Safeguard Your Personal Information

The Program Manager maintains reasonable administrative, technical and physical safeguards in an effort to protect the Personal Information in our custody and control against unauthorized access, use, modification and disclosure of. We train our employees to keep clients’ Personal Information strictly private and confidential. We require all of our staff to sign our privacy document that obliges them to respect and protect clients’ Personal Information. We ensure that departing staff understand they remain contractually obliged to respect the privacy of clients’ Personal Information.

During the collection, processing, and sharing of your personal information with our service providers, we implement a range of privacy safeguards to protect your data. These safeguards include both technical and organizational measures to ensure your information remains secure at every stage. Specifically:
  1. Encryption: We use encryption protocols to protect personal information during transmission and storage, ensuring that data is unreadable by unauthorized parties.
  2. Access Control: We limit access to personal information to only those employees, contractors, and service providers who need it to perform their job functions, and we require that access be granted through secure authentication methods.
  3. Data Minimization: We ensure that only the necessary personal information is collected, shared, or used for the specified purposes, reducing the risk of exposure.
  4. Contractual Safeguards with Service Providers: We require all third-party service providers to sign agreements that include privacy and confidentiality obligations, ensuring they handle personal information in accordance with applicable laws and our privacy policies.
      8. We will Make Information about Our Privacy Program Available to You

The Program Manager is open about the way we manage your Personal Information. You may request access to more information about our privacy practices, and we will make it available to you in a manner that is easy to understand.

      9. We will Give You Access to Your Personal Information

You may make a request in writing for access to your Personal Information. After verifying your identity, we will, within a reasonable timeframe (within 30 days) barring exceptional circumstances as outlined in PIPEDA and other substantially similar provincial legislation, tell you what Personal Information we have, what it is being used for, and to whom it has been disclosed. In certain situations, however, we may not be able to give you access to all your Personal Information. In these situations, we will, except where prohibited by law, explain the reasons for this lack of access and advise you of any recourse you may have.

      10. Challenging compliance

The Program Manager will respond to your questions, concerns and complaints about the protection of your Personal Information in a timely manner, typically within thirty (30) days. If we need to extend the time, or if we refuse your request, we will tell you why and notify you of the new deadline.

Links to external websites 

The Advantage Card Web portal or App may contain links to external websites which are not supported by the Program Manager. Once you have been directed to an external website, the Program Manager does not have control over the contents and information that you share. We cannot be responsible for the protection and privacy of any information which you provide whilst visiting an external website as those sites are not governed by this Privacy Policy.

The Program Manager takes your privacy and the protection of your information seriously and takes commercially reasonable measures to ensure its security. However, no transmission of information over the internet can be guaranteed to be uninterrupted or completely secure. Accordingly, we cannot guarantee that your information will not be unlawfully accessed by a third party and any external website visited is at your own risk.

Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation (“CASL”)

The Program Manager is committed to protecting your privacy and your Personal Information.

The Program Manager complies with Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation (“CASL”) and we are committed to ensure that you only receive the electronic communications that you want from us. These legislations protect consumers and businesses from the misuse of digital technology, including spam and other electronic threats.

The Program Manager will never send you unsolicited emails in connection with the marketing of the Program Manager, its services or products. If you prefer not to receive these types of emails you may opt-out by clicking the “Unsubscribe” link contained in any such electronic message.

If you have questions or a complaint related to CASL you may contact our Compliance Department. The contact details are located in the “Contact” section of this Policy.

Access to and Updating of Personal Information

Individuals have the right to access, update, correct inaccuracies and request deletion of their Personal Information in the Program Manager’s custody and control, subject to certain exceptions prescribed by law. Otherwise, an individual wishing to request access, updating, correct inaccuracies and request deletion of their Personal Information in our possession or control may send a request to this effect to the Program Manager’s Privacy and Compliance at the contact information below. We may request certain Personal Information for the purposes of verifying the identity of the individual seeking access to their Personal Information records.

We will respond to your request within 30 days, in accordance with the timelines set out under the federal and provincial regulatory requirement. In some cases, if additional time is needed due to the complexity of the request, we may extend the response time by an additional 30 days, and you will be notified of this extension within the initial 30-day period along with the reasons for the delay.

In certain circumstances the Program Manager may not be able to provide you with access to your personal information, (e.g., if disclosing the information would reveal confidential commercial information or information about a third party). If this is the case, we will inform you of the reasons that we were unable to provide you access. Additionally, the Program Manager does not discriminate against our pricing or services when an individual exercises these rights.


If you have a question or concern about our processes to use, protect and disclose your Personal Information, or if you want to report a privacy breach, please contact us at:

H&R Block Canada Advantage Card Program Support
Attention: Privacy Officer
221 Lakeshore Road E, Suite 300
Oakville ON, L6J 1H7

If your concern remains unresolved by the Program Support, you may contact the Privacy Commissioner of Canada at:

Office of the Privacy Commissioner
30 Victoria Street
Gatineau, Quebec, K1A 1H3
Toll Free: 1-800-282-1376

Privacy Policy Last Updated: October 2024